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Trading in environmental products

Respect Energy Environmental Commodities Sp. z o.o.

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Active climate action through trading in renewable energy certificates makes us a market leader in our field domestically, and at the forefront of such players in Europe. We offer a wide range of renewable energy certification products such as Guarantees of Origin (GoO) both Polish and European, I-REC certificates, UK Guarantees of Origin (REGO), OZE certificates (so-called green PMOZE_A, blue PMOZE_BIO and white PMEF) and offsets.


The Certificates of Origin Register (COR) is an integral element of the support system for RES energy manufacturers, and of the energy efficiency certificate system. Centralised registration ensures the reliability and transparency of the system. Certificates of origin are issued by the Energy Regulatory Office in electronic form, for a specific volume expressed in MWh (the exception is white certificates, for which the unit is the toe – ton of oil equivalent). All certificates issued by the ERO go to the Certificates of Origin Register maintained by TGE. Each certificate fed into the system results in property rights (PR), which are traded on the Property Rights Market (PRM).

PMOZE_A – so-called green certificates confirm the generation of electricity from RES – wind, hydro, geothermal, solar, biomass burning, co-firing.

PMOZE_BIO – so-called blue certificates issued for the generation of electricity from RES – biogas combustion.

PMEF – so-called white certificates, i.e., documents confirming final energy savings and are awarded for investments aimed at reducing end-user energy consumption.

A guarantee of origin of electric energy produced from renewable energy sources in renewable energy source installations, issued in electronic form, is the only document that certifies to the end user the environmental values resulting from greenhouse gas emissions avoided, and that the amount of electric energy injected into the distribution network or transmission network specified in this document was produced from renewable energy sources. Guarantees of origin are a trading instrument in all European Union Countries and other countries of Europe and the world.

They come in several varieties, including:

  • AIB – guarantees of origin produced in one of the European countries affiliated with AIB (Association of Issuing Bodies)
  • Non-AIB – guarantees of origin not affiliated with the AIB system (e.g., guarantees produced in Poland or Bulgaria).
  • REGO – guarantees of origin from the United Kingdom.

We offer guarantees of origin at wholesale prices for energy generated from Polish renewable sources, which take into account place, time and technologies, such as: wind, solar, hydro, geothermal, biogas.

I-REC (International Renewable Energy Certificate) – a certificate used in countries with no organised system of guarantees of origin (e.g., Vietnam, Brazil, some African countries).

Offsets – certificates that document a reduction in carbon footprint. When the number of carbon credits earned equals the carbon footprint of a person or organisation, that person or organisation is carbon neutral.


Łukasz Jankowski - Trading in environmental products

Łukasz JankowskiMember at Respect Energy Environmental Commodities, Head of Origination at Respect Energy

Legal counsel with 15 years of experience in advising the energy sector. He was a partner at DLA Piper and Eversheds Sutherland, leading the energy law practice. He was also a head of legal services for RWE in Poland (currently Eon).

Over the years, he has advised on projects for trading companies, system operators and electricity generators. Łukasz conducted regulatory cases in all instances, from administrative proceedings before the President of the Energy Regulatory Office and the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection, to representation of energy companies before the Supreme Court. He has worked for leading companies in the sector, including projects on European regulations such as REMIT, MiFID II, EMiR, MAD and MAR.

Since 2016, he has continuously been a recommended lawyer by The Legal 500 EMEA ranking in the field of "Energy and Natural Resources". In recent years, Łukasz has been involved in RES projects with a total capacity of more than 12GW.

Jakub Skrabacz - Trading in environmental products

Jakub Skrabacz

Specializes in trading of guarantees and green polish certificates as an active broker of the Polish Power Exchange (POLPX). The experience gained, including in Deloitte structures, supports the analytical skills that allow him to effectively operate in the renewable energy markets.

At Respect Energy Environmental Commodities, he is also responsible for actively building and managing a portfolio of environmental products.

Kacper Grzesiak - Trading in environmental products

Kacper Grzesiak

Specializes in the purchase of environmental products from producers and sales to end customers in the Polish and European markets. At Respect Energy Environmental Commodities, he is responsible for actively building a portfolio of customers, negotiating commercial terms and contracting.

He has more than 10 years of experience in trading, including in the automotive and HoReCa industries. 


Respect Energy Environmental Commodities Sp. z o.o.
ul. Ludwika Rydygiera 8,01-793 Warszawa

NIP 5252856743 REGON 388528921 Numer KRS 0000890776